Why we need animal ear tag? As we know, identify every animal is hard if there is A large group. And using RFID ear tag for livestock identification can simply able to identify a specific with the herd. With its simplest form, it is a means of animal identification for the rancher or producer.
Usually the animal producer assigns a number to the tag, either with a scrape or equivalent permanent marker. This is internal identification for ranch management purposes. The visual tags can also be pre printed from the supplier, and with the logo of the ranch. The cattle rancher usually provides the animal management number sequence and or logos to the tag distributor, which does the printing on the visual tags.
This is a form of animal identification, but as an internal livestock management system for herd management, which is usually just for the producer.
An additional RFID LF pigeon leg rings is needed which would then comply with local or state by laws for livestock identification, which come in either visual or panel tags and RFID button tags.
The tags can custom the logo of the producer indicate it is livestock from the where, the number of tags on the international level is the number assigned for all livestock from animal like Sheep, Goat, Pigs, Llama, as well as wildlife animals like deer and Elk.
Since all approved tags bear the number on them, whether they are visual or RFID ear tags, they are also compliant with COOL (Country of Origin Label).
Livestock producers must sign up and register their premises for a premises identification number. The Premises ID is then associated with the approved tags, which is actually the simplest form of animal identification. The ear tag distributor must assign the premises id with the tags, and then register the tag info in a tag database to indicate.
Livestock ear tags come in different shapes, forms, sizes and colors for all livestock. And for sheep and goats, they are usually smaller than the cattle ear tag.
If you want to buy top quality animal ear tags, you can visit http://www.xccrfid.com/ to get more information.