Wednesday, June 14, 2017

RFID Technology to Build Intelligent Logistic Distribution Center

The distribution center is logistics place or organization engaged for distribution business. The establishment of the distribution center is mainly to achieve the distribution of logistics.
For Traditional distribution center, they usually have problems below:
1. Inventory statistics lack accuracy
2. Cargo loss
3. Difficult for inventory
4. High labor cost

For these problems, let's talk about how to apply RFID technology in the distribution center.

1. Warehousing and inspection
When the goods with RFID tags arrived at the distribution center, the fixed RFID reader automatically read the label at the entrance, and the management system will automatically update the inventory list. At the same time, according to the needs of the order, deliver goods to the right place. Clou's 4-ports fixed UHF reader could support over 200 tags multi-reading and distance up to 15m, perfectly meet the needs.
2. Outbound transport
Cargo transport will achieve a high degree of automation with RFID. When the goods in the distribution center out of the factory, within the valid range of the RFID reader, the reader automatically read the goods on the label information, do not need to scan, you can directly out of the goods shipped to the retailer's hands. Clou's CL7206B2, outdoor IP66 RFID reader with WiFi, Bluetooth, and RS232/RS485/RJ45 interfaces, would be your best choice.

Thursday, June 1, 2017

The New Route for Evacuation: RFID UHF Tech Helps to Increase safety

With the development of economy and technology, many thing has used the high-tech to control the development of event. Efficiently coordinated evacuation is a key for health and life of employees. While the best methods are still being looked for, RFID UHF is a common solution. It offers new approach for evacuating workers from endangered areas
Nowadays, because manual counting is imprecise, many factory are faced with some danger. Time-consuming and it is easy to make serious mistake with it. The other popular evacuation way is identifying workers with their touchless cards. However, in the moment of general chaos and hurry one can just forget to take it. What’s more, if every employee wants to use his or her card in the same moment, then surely there would be some disarray. Precious time is lost.

RFID UHF to save your Time.
According to all indications, it seems that there is an efficient method for safe evacuation: it is a wireless technology RFID UHF. It is interesting that despite RFID itself was developed during IIWW for identification of enemy airplanes, new way for its usage are still discovered. One of such fresh idea for RFID implementation has been just recently proposed by Smart Technology Group.
RFID characteristics makes it perfect for evacuation. Why? It can precisely identify simultaneously up to 300 tagged people or items – just in one second. There is no need for visual contact between RFID reader and tags. They do not need to be put to reader. Instead, they can be hidden under working clothes, in pocket or in bag. Tags themselves come in various size and shape. Shape modification does not change tags functionality.

RFID UHF to increase your safety
When the factory is faced with trouble,  Many factor will be going to escape.  The RFID UHF will read the tag.  Then the system staff will know who has not go out, where he is.
To some extent,  some danger has reduced.

It is logical to say that RFID UHF answers all evacuation challenges. It offers solutions that eliminate today’s disadvantages in evacuation coordination. It is interesting and valuable alternative for the most popular methods. And what’s more, it is perfectly matched with law regulations. It is becoming more common to demand from employers that they use technological solutions which make precise and instant identification possible. RFID UHF suits such requirements perfectly.

Related Reading:Mid-Range UHF RFID Reader,Passive UHF RFID Tags,UHF RFID Handheld Reader

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